Ami Cheat's Page - CABAL


During play, type "SCHLIKA". The border should flash. Press 'F2' to finish the level.

If you pause the game you can still move your guns crosshair.


  1. Shoot as many of the buildings as you can, as they block your shots at attacking/hiding enemies.
  2. Shoot the enemies at the bottom of the screen as the bullets they fire needless time to get to you and can often trap you in a corner.
  3. Don't forget that you can shoot the enemies' bullets!
  4. Try to pick up the bonuses straight away. The 100, 200 and 300 point bonuses are very useful if you want extra lives.
  5. Collect special weapons straight away as their rapid fire removes buildings faster, giving more breathing space.
  6. The grey uniformed soldiers (the ones that take a few shots to kill) can give a grenade or a special weapon. When he does, two men carrying a stretcher will appear. Shoot these and they will give you two grenades, collect them and then shoot them again before they go, to receive two more grenades.
  7. Never stay in corners for too long, the enemy has a habit of zeroing in on you.
  8. Don't waste grenades on buildings unless you really need to. If you opt to shoot in small bursts at every building rather than concentrating on one building at a time then a grenade may finish the job a lot quicker.
  9. Try not to get killed when the end-level guardians appear otherwise your FOE meter will drop to zero and you'll have to start again.

index... | # | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | ...main